Upload my project to my website

 In this blog, I will show you how I uploaded my motivational video for students to my website.

To begin with, it is worth noting that my site does not have videos completely, since I have not done projects linked to video content before. 

Therefore, you need to create a new tab in the portfolio where my videos will be stored.

Process of creating a new tab in Wix Editor:

After creation, you need to go to this tab using the transition between tabs at the top of the screen.

Next, I need to have something which will show my video on this tab.

So, I opened Wix Apps market

I chose the first one widget. I don't need to waste a lot of time on choosing, because I just need to upload my project!

So, now I have a widget, but I need to download my project there and I am going to the settings of the widget.

By the way, I am changing Channel to One Video! Because I don't have many video projects, just 1!

Next, I uploading my video project to the widget.

After uploading I filling the information about the video and click "Save".

Now, We can see my project on a website!

This is the end of uploading my project to the website, but the page itself has a sloppy appearance. Moreover, I was going to upgrade my site while working on the project, so I think that now is the time!

Firstly, I changed size of video on the page and find free six background, with lights on the right side. On the left I will add some info.

Secondly, I added title of the tab "Videos" and wrote information about the video clip.

It is all what I wanted to change with my "Videos". In my next blog I will change full design of my website!
