Critical Thinking Task
In this blog, we will look at my ability to critically analyze information.
- This is a simple assertion. It doesn't have any evidence. This assertion which could be real for one person, in the same time is opposite for another.
- This is a simple assertion. It is impossible to be difficult for every person on earth, because there are people who remember very well, and there are those who do not. Assertion also works differently for different people.
- Evidence-based. It can be checked by different data sources.
- This is a simple assertion. An unconfirmed rhetorical exclamation.
- Evidence-based. It is also can be checked by different (medical) data (statistic) sources.
- This is a simple assertion. Yo-yos have different sizes, as they are used by both children and adults, so the length will vary depending on the type.
- This is a simple assertion. This could have been confirmed if the information had been provided in a less vague way. Without this, the information looks either as a personal opinion not based on research or as an approximate figure of colour blind people.
- Evidence-based. Less vague than the previous argument. Also based on real research.
Good that you have completed this task I am very disappointed that I did not receive a draft essay